5 research outputs found

    Comparative Evaluation and Implementation of State-of-the-Art Techniques for Anomaly Detection and Localization in the Continual Learning Framework

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    openThe capability of anomaly detection (AD) to detect defects in industrial environments using only normal samples has attracted significant attention. However, traditional AD methods have primarily concentrated on the current set of examples, leading to a significant drawback of catastrophic forgetting when faced with new tasks. Due to the constraints in flexibility and the challenges posed by real-world industrial scenarios, there is an urgent need to strengthen the adaptive capabilities of AD models. Hence, this thesis introduces a unified framework that integrates continual learning (CL) and anomaly detection (AD) to accomplish the goal of anomaly detection in the continual learning (ADCL). To evaluate the effectiveness of the framework, a comparative analysis is performed to assess the performance of the three specific feature-based methods for the AD task: Coupled-Hypersphere-Based Feature Adaptation (CFA), Student-Teacher approach, and PatchCore. Furthermore, the framework incorporates the utilization of replay techniques to facilitate continual learning (CL). A comprehensive evaluation is conducted using a range of metrics to analyze the relative performance of each technique and identify the one that exhibits superior results. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, the MVTec AD dataset, consisting of real-world images with pixel-based anomalies, is utilized. This dataset serves as a reliable benchmark for Anomaly Detection in the context of Continual Learning, providing a solid foundation for further advancements in the field.The capability of anomaly detection (AD) to detect defects in industrial environments using only normal samples has attracted significant attention. However, traditional AD methods have primarily concentrated on the current set of examples, leading to a significant drawback of catastrophic forgetting when faced with new tasks. Due to the constraints in flexibility and the challenges posed by real-world industrial scenarios, there is an urgent need to strengthen the adaptive capabilities of AD models. Hence, this thesis introduces a unified framework that integrates continual learning (CL) and anomaly detection (AD) to accomplish the goal of anomaly detection in the continual learning (ADCL). To evaluate the effectiveness of the framework, a comparative analysis is performed to assess the performance of the three specific feature-based methods for the AD task: Coupled-Hypersphere-Based Feature Adaptation (CFA), Student-Teacher approach, and PatchCore. Furthermore, the framework incorporates the utilization of replay techniques to facilitate continual learning (CL). A comprehensive evaluation is conducted using a range of metrics to analyze the relative performance of each technique and identify the one that exhibits superior results. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, the MVTec AD dataset, consisting of real-world images with pixel-based anomalies, is utilized. This dataset serves as a reliable benchmark for Anomaly Detection in the context of Continual Learning, providing a solid foundation for further advancements in the field

    Mehanizacije u voćarstvu, vinogradarstvu i zaštiti bilja - stanje i potrebe

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    In this paper are shown results of research in area of machines needs for modern fruit and grape production in Serbia. Besides that, paper show overview of sprayers and other equipment for pesticide application. Marks of machines needs are given according information which authors of this work have. Every new orchard or vineyard means good analyses of possibility, needs and expected results in future. According these information growers by new machines. Baying of new machines must consider that it should by machines which can work also in new and old orchards and vineyards. Introduction of new machines in production, together with modern technology, make possible higher quality and efficiency of fruit and grape production. .U radu su dati rezultati istraživanja stanja i potreba mehanizacije za podizanje i eksploataciju višegodišnjih zasada kao i mašina za zaštitu ratarsko-povrtarskih kultura i zaštitu voćnjaka i vinograda. Ocena stanja i potreba mehanizacije izvedena je na osnovu dostupnih ali nepotpunih podataka. Svako podizanje savremenog voćnjaka ili vinograda iziskuje dobru pripremu, dugotrajne i složene radne operacije uz korišćenje specifične opreme, sa velikim finansijskim ulaganjima. Kod nabavke mehanizacije za podizanje zasada prednost treba dati opremi koja se može koristiti i za rad kod podignutih zasada. Ubrzana zamena zastarele i neadekvatne mehanizacije, uz uvođenje savremenih visokoproduktivnih mašina za nove guste zasade, značajno olakšava i ubrzava tehnološke operacije, doprinosi poboljšanju kvaliteta i kvantiteta voćnih plodova i grožđa sa postepenim smanjenjem zaostajanja za razvijenim svetom.

    Mehanizovana desikacija u proizvodnji uljanih kultura

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    Desiccation has been used for a long time in agriculture. It is especially important in cold climate since spring crops are very often not ready for harvesting before late autumn, when harvesting condition are difficult. Desiccation is important in seed production since only high yield but also good seed qualities have been required. Sunflower hybrid seed production has been particularly facilitated due to specific plant pathology during ripening. By means of desiccation spreading of seed has been reduced, attack of different head parasites has been avoided, harvesting is easier and additional drying is not required. Negative effects of early frosts on germination could be avoided too. Desiccation is to be performed when seed moisture reach 40 %, depending on genotypes. Optimal solution for desiccation are self propel sprayers with high clearance. Machine for cutting corn flowers with sprayers is also good solution. Tractor sprayers and airplanes could be use if necessary. All equipment for application must have appropriate nozzles. Successful soya desiccation can be done with trailer tractor sprayer. The best results in sunflower desiccation give Reglone forte with dose 2 l/ha and norm 300 l/ha. For soya desiccation optimum dose is 2-3 l/ha with norm 150 l/ha.Desikacija je agrotehnička mera koja je u poljoprivrednoj praksi prisutna duži niz godina. Ova mera posebno dolazi do izražaja u hladnijem klimatu, jer prolećni usevi često dospevaju za žetvu u poznu jesen kada su uslovi za ubiranje otežani. Desikacija je prisutna u svim regionima s intenzivnom poljoprivrednom proizvodnjom, koja podrazumeva mehanizovano ubiranje useva. Desikacija suncokreta, naročito semenskog, veoma je opravdana mera, jer se ranijom žetvom smanjuje rastur semena, izbegavaju se napadi raznih parazita glavice, olakšava kombajniranje i izbegava dodatno sušenje zrna. Izbegava se nepovoljan uticaj mrazeva na klijavost. Desikaciju treba izvoditi kad vlaga u zrnu padne ispod 40 %. U vezi sa ovim pitanjem postoje razlike između genotipova. Optimalno rešenje za desikaciju su samohodne prskalice sa visokim klirensom. Dobro rešenje je adaptirani čupač metlica za velike površine, a mogu da se koriste i vazduhoplovi. Nužno rešenje je korišćenje traktorskih prskalica. Svi uređaji za aplikaciju moraju biti opremljeni odgovarajućim rasprskivačima. Desikacija soje uspešno se izvodi vučenim traktorskim prskalicama. Najbolje rezultate u desikaciji suncokreta daje preparat "reglone forte" u dozi 2 l/ha sa normom od 300 l/ha. Za desikaciju soje optimalna doza je 2-3 l/ha i normom 150 l/ha

    Preciznost nanošenja insekticida i ekološke prednosti tretiranja semena uljane repice

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    Protection of oil seed rape is very complex. Particular aspect is possibility of reduce pesticide application, especially insecticides applications using equipment for band treating with sowing or cultivation, furrow treating with tube pumps, pesticide application with distributor and seed treating. Seed treating is the best technical solution although expensive technology. Seed treating is final phase in seed processing and for that we need seed treater. Aim of this paperwork was to establish ecology advantages and quality of insecticides seed treating with treater. Quantity of insecitides per hectar is 0,03 do 0,04 l/ha, when we do seed treating. In this case there is only 3 % of soil contamination according 100 % of soil contamination when we use sprayers. Deviation of insecticides active materials for different oil seed rape sorts was from 1,28 to 2,9 %. That confirmation of seed treating quality together with ecology advantages put seed treating on the top of chemical protection measures.Zaštita uljane repice zasniva se na korišćenju velikog broja mera za suzbijanja patogena i insekata. Kada se govori o hemijskim merama, poseban aspekt je analiza mogućnosti redukovane primene insekticida korišćenjem posebnih uređaja kao što su: uređaji za tretiranje u trake zajedno sa setvom ili kultivacijom, tretiranje u brazdicu sa peristaltik pumpom, depozitori za granulisane preparate i tretiranje semena. Tretiranje semena je najbolje tehnološko rešenje, iako je tehnologija nanošenja pesticida skupa. Hemijsko tretiranje semena je završna faza dorade i vrši se specijalnim uređajima za zaprašivanje semena koji se zovu zaprašivači. U slučaju tretiranja semena insekticidom količina istog se kreće po hektaru od 0,03 do 0,04 l/ha uz svega 3 % kontaminacije zemljišta u odnosu na 100 % kontaminacije kod primene tretiranja prskalicama. Odstupanje ravnomernosti nanošenja aktivne materije insekticida od željene vrednosti se kretalo u rasponu od 1,28 do 2,9 % što je potvrda kvaliteta ove hemijske mere, koja je uz pomenuti ekološki značaj stavlja na sam vrh hemijske zaštite bez obzira na nešto veću cenu koštanja